Foundational Certification Course | Foot Zone Center

Foundational Certification Course


The Foundational Certification has recently been added to our curriculum to accommodate those persons who want to zone their friends and family as a certified foot zone practitioner.  In this course you will learn a very amazing foot zone that will help with the most common ailments and problems. You will also learn basic anatomy and physiology.  We are so excited to offer this.  If you are one of those people who have wanted to learn foot zoning for a long time but the time commitment and cost has held you back, this is the course for you.

Benefits of Foot Zoning

There are many benefits that come from foot zoning.  With everything in our environment, and even within our thoughts, that can negatively affect us, it is helpful to have a tool to provide the body with the opportunity to connect to the original perfect blueprint.  When the body is communicating with this blueprint, the cells, organs and systems of the body can more easily be rid of these negative effects.  This directly increases the body’s ability to renew and rejuvenate itself.  When the body systems are working well, we enjoy greater health and vitality.

Foot zoning sends signals to the structural system to promote stronger bones and muscles, and more mobile joints. It triggers signals in the endocrine system that support and balances hormone production along with renewing energy in the reproductive organs. It encourages a healthy digestive system and a stronger respiratory and urinary system allowing for better use of oxygen and nutrition, while more effectively removing waste.  It supports a stronger immune response and the release of toxins by triggering signals within the lymphatic system. Zoning increases blood circulation which, in turn, increases nutritive uptake by body cells.  Finally, zoning signals the body to rejuvenate the nervous system. Listed below are several benefits received from getting regular foot zones.

Increased Overall Sense of Well-Being:  The balancing of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual components of health increases an overall sense of well-being.  After a zone treatment, many report a release of stress and tension, and a feeling of overall harmony.

Stronger Immune Response:  Zoning has been found to make the body more alkaline, which aids in better health and the prevention of disease. When the body is “tuned-up” we have a stronger immune response and are able to enjoy enduring health.  We are also able to regain our health more quickly after an illness and generally increase our quality of life.

Quicker Recovery from Injury:  Accidents and injuries are a part of life and zoning can help in recovery.  Many people who have been zoned following an injury report that they have recovered quicker and more completely than they have with previous injuries.

Relief from Pain: Foot zoning often relieves pain.  Whether chronic or acute, zoning seems to either lessen the pain or eliminate it completely.

Increased Circulation: Zoning also helps to increase circulation. This is important because good circulation increases the nutrient supply to the whole body, resulting in faster healing and more energy.

Better Digestion & Elimination: In zoning we trigger all of the signals in the digestive system. This is important because the effective breakdown of our food directly effects our level of energy.  Elimination of waste also becomes more effective and regular.  Not only do many experience relief from troublesome constipation after a zone, but the body becomes healthier with the more effective discharge of toxins and waste.

Increased Oxygen Uptake: Zoning increases oxygen uptake in the body. Increased oxygen in the cells of the body enables all kinds of benefits including increased energy, better absorption of nutrients, improved memory, neutralization of harmful toxins, and the displacement of damaging free radicals.

Improved Sleep: Many people experience better sleep after they have been zoned.

Hormone Balance: Life is much more enjoyable when endocrine glands are functioning properly and each body organ is balanced and communicating effectively with each other.  Many women can attest to this and love being zoned to help with menstrual problems and menopausal symptoms, in particular.

Cleansing of Toxins:  In general, people who are consistently foot zoned feel more balanced and energetic, their bodily functions activated and toxins released. Although sometimes a healing crisis may still happen, even with consistent foot zones, the crisis is usually short-lived, as the body better rids itself of wastes and toxins.

Emotional Freedom: The foot zone practitioner can discern if there are emotional blockages in certain areas of the body contributing to ill health. These can be cleared to help individuals move forward in life, more free from emotional issues.

Increased Energy: People often experience more energy after a foot zone. Who couldn’t use a little more energy to get through the day? 

Feelings of Peace & Relaxation: It is common to feel more energetic and lively, while simultaneously feeling more relaxed and at peace, after a foot zoning session.  This occurs because zoning stimulates the renewal of life energy in the body systems.

Preventative Health Care: Many have found consistent foot zoning to be great preventative health care.

Centered & Grounded: Zoning helps people feel centered and grounded.  Feeling centered in the heart helps our connection to God, or to a higher power, and also helps us to be true to ourselves. Being grounded is important in order to be passionate and productive in our responsibilities in life.

It is important to note that because every person is different, each person responds differently to foot zone treatments.  Even in the same person, each foot zone session may bring different results as a different layer or problem is accessed.  Changes may occur quickly or take a long time.  Some problems may need to be corrected before others are even made manifest.  A change for the better may be very obvious and be noticed immediately after a zone, while others are quite subtle and may go unnoticed. Regardless of the conscious response, every foot zone treatment, if properly done, makes positive change and benefits the body.

Life can be busy and full of surprises.  We are exposed to all sorts of things affecting us physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  Regular zone treatments can consistently bring us to an awareness of our current state of health and aid in bringing our body and energy systems into healthy balance.  

People often ask me how foot zoning will help different types of things. My answer is that in all my experience, it always helps in some way. Every person and every situation is so unique and different, and foot zoning helps with the different needs of each individual. Some people get immediate results, while others get answers or ideas of what they need to do in their lives to have better health.  Others, like me find that getting regular foot zones helps them to enjoy greater holistic health consistently. I can’t say enough good things about foot zoning. It has changed my life and my family’s life. My only regret is that I didn’t know about it and learn it sooner.

The Foundational Certification Course Includes

Online recordings – Books – Zoom Meetings – Live Classes – Homework – Hands on Experience


There are 17 lessons in this course. One week before the first Zoom meeting you will get access to the online course and your books will be sent in the mail. You will be required to watch the online recordings and turn in your carefully prepared homework each week. Your instructor will correct your drawings and send you an answer key so you can correct your own homework.  


After you have watched the online recordings and finished your drawings to learn the zone we will meet for a live class to practice zoning in person. You will then complete your homework in basic anatomy and physiology.  At the completion of the course we will have a Zoom meeting to review for the final exam.  We will then meet live to pass off the zone and take the final exam.



Here are the Certification Requirements

1. Participation in course instruction and hands on practice to include:

  • Instruction and demonstration in foundational foot zone techniques
  • Practical application of foundational foot zone techniques
  • Instruction in basic anatomy and physiology
  • Instruction in Foot Zone Center business standards and ethics

2. Completion of homework assignments.

3. Demonstrating a complete and correct zone to an instructor.

4. Completion of the required number of foundational foot zones.

5. Passing a comprehensive exam to show understanding in foundational foot zone techniques and anatomy and physiology.


Students are expected to watch the online instruction and do the book work and homework that comes with this course along with attending the zoom meetings and live workshops.


Homework must be completed and turned into the instructor on time. Any questions or drawings that are incorrect must be corrected by the student.


Completing these requirements allows you to become a certified Foundational Foot Zone Practitioner.



Course begins May 29, 2024

First Zoom meeting will be held Wednesday, June 5 at 7pm Mountain Daylight Time (Required homework needs to be turned in before this class).

First live classes will be held in Santaquin Utah, Friday & Saturday, July 12-13 from 9-5

Review for final exam Zoom meeting will be held Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 7 pm.

Final Exam-Live Class will be held in Santaquin Utah, Saturday, Oct. 12 from 9-5

Your cost for tuition is $2400 or 4 payments of $660. Contact Susan Tiede (801-540-8993) for discounts and other payment arrangements if needed.

$295 pays for your books and lifetime access to the online Foundational Certification course trainings. This makes them easy to access anytime or anywhere. This is separate from the tuition for the course.


We would love to have you join us. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Susan Tiede


[email protected]


Register for the Foundational Course Here


“We, as a family of seven turn to getting our feet zoned when we aren’t feeling well or have been injured. It’s amazing how foot zoning can stop an illness in its tracks or help the recovery time from injuries go much quicker.  It has been a key factor in helping our family with migraines, bed wetting, attention problems, illness, injuries, and emotional issues. We have saved tons of money in doctor visits when we combine this with a healthy diet and the use of other things such as essential oils.  This is something every family needs!”  Sharina A.


“I have suffered from chronic back pain most of my life. Even though I have seen chiropractors, exercised, and done physical therapy I get the most pain relief when I get my feet zoned.”  Brent S.


“I decided to try foot zoning because I have severe fibromyalgia. It has helped me to identify root causes of pain and has enabled me to begin dealing with those problems. I feel enabled, and like I’m finally more in control of my health. I would recommend foot zoning to people who want help with any and all illnesses, or want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Each foot zone is unique. You’ll be surprised about how foot zoning can heal your body of generations of problems and about how peaceful and serene you can feel even in a hectic world as it clears energies and gets down to what is really wrong in your body.” Chelsea S.


“I went to the dentist to get a crown.  When he gave me the shot to numb my mouth, I had a reaction to it which made me shaky and cold.  Since then I felt like I have this anxious energy flowing through my body.  When I was getting a foot the feeling let go and released.  Right then and there I felt it leave my face. Wow, Amazing!” Pauline P.


“I love getting my feet zoned when I get sick. It helps me get better so fast. It often stops an illness in its tracks. It also helped me when I sprained my ankle to be able to walk within a day. One of my favorite ways it helps is by calming anxiety and helping me feel peaceful again.” Susan S.


“Foot Zoning is a Wonder! Improving my kidney function is only a part of what it does for me. It has also helped in controlling pain, improving my memory, build strength, improving circulation, and controlling panic attacks!”   Neil C.


“I came to get my feet zoned because of multiple medical issues most of which had bothered me for thirty years or more. I have had issues with excess stomach acid since I was 17. I am one of the few that does not have the H. pylori bacteria with my ulcers. I also have issues with allergies since I was 20 years old and they have gotten worse and worse over the years to the point where they affect me on a daily basis.  My experience foot zoning was wonderful. As the process proceeded I felt more awake and at a very high energy level. I was able to release many negative emotions and return my body to a positive energy. Since being zoned I have stopped taking my medications, and have had no need to start them again. I really look forward to another session and have and will continue to recommend foot zoning.”  Ken G.


Register for the Foundational Course Here


“Foot zoning helps me when I have an asthma attack by releasing my diaphragm so I can breathe again. It’s amazing how quickly it works.” Steve J.


“When my daughter gets foot zones her whole mood shifts.  She is much happier.  She is calm and deals with life so much easier.  I wish I could bring her more often.  She loves it and looks forward to it each time.  She has come to know her higher-self better and she is learning to trust her feelings.”  Becca B.


“I came away from foot zone sessions feeling renewed, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  Foot zoning was very responsive to my unique needs and helped me to find answers to problems I'd been looking for months to find.  In addition to those major finds the ear pain I'd also been experiencing was dramatically better. I'd send any of my closest friends and family to get foot zoned and I know they'd be well taken care of.”  Emily W.


“I used get chronic migraines.  Now when I start to get a headache the first thing I turn to is getting my feet zoned.  It has really helped to free me of the debilitating pain and be able to enjoy my life more.”  Matt A.


“Overall, I feel great after receiving a foot zone! It feels like my whole body is functioning on a higher level and I am more relaxed, yet energized. It has helped me in multiple instances with pain, especially cramps ladies! I can’t go more than a month without getting a foot zone, it is a truly remarkable modality.”  Michelle G.


“I absolutely love having a foot zone.  I have been suffering with migraine headaches for years and feel that having a zone always helps me to feel more balanced.  I have a feeling of well-being and am able to sleep better. I feel that regular foot zones along with good nutrition, exercise, and proper sleep are good choices in bringing my body back to balance.”  Rilla S.

Register for the Foundational Course Here


You can learn more about foot zoning and other courses we offer by checking out these pages on the website.


Click here to find a practitioner and schedule a foot zone


Click here to watch an instructional video to get more insights about foot zoning


Click here for information about the Basic Family Foot Zone Course


Click here for information about the Advanced Certification Course


We would love to have you join us. Please contact us if you have any questions.