Herbs | Foot Zone Center


Herbs improve general health and body’s ability to heal itself. Worldwide they are the number one source people go to for healing purposes. The following herbs are some of the favorites!

Alfalfa: Wide variety of vitamins and minerals, high in chlorophyll, Vitamin K, contains eight essential amino acids,

Angelica: improves circulation, warms body, eases spasms in stomach or intestinal tract, eases pain of arthritis and other muscle spasms, excellent expectorant, promotes normal menstrual flow, contains hormone balancing properties, fibrocystic breasts,

Ashwaganda: Supports adrenal function

Bee Pollen: Nutrients include 22 amino acids, all of the vitamins, folic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, enzyme, and trace minerals, considered a super food, major antioxidant, helps with allergies from pollens, (This is not considered an herb).

Bilberry: cataracts, macular degeneration, eye fatigue, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids, helps inflammation in nose and throat, arthritis, gout, stabilizes blood sugar, high in chromium

Black Cohosh: Eases muscle tension, excellent for labor, prepares uterus for birthing process, relieves headaches, muscle spasms, asthma spasms, and menstrual cramps, lowers blood pressure, highly anti-inflammatory, eases menopause symptoms

Blessed Thistle: Balances hormones, helps menstrual difficulties, aids digestive tract, strengthens immune system, hinders formation of abnormal cells,

Brigham Tea: offsets fatigue, stimulates immune system, reduces allergy symptoms, mild decongestant

Calendula (Marigold Flowers): Strengthens the respiratory and urinary system, and helps with skin irritations (make a compress)

Catnip: Soothes nerves and muscles, halts convulsion caused by fever, calming, relieves aches and pains accompanying illness, excellent for colic,

Cayenne: Stimulates the circulatory system, rebuilds and removes plaque from veins, stops bleeding, reduces blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, prevents blood clots, high in vitamin A, vitamin C, rutin, iron, calcium, and potassium, proven effective in event of stroke or heart attack

Chamomile: Antibacterial, mild sedative, insomnia, infant colic, ulcers, and indigestion, high in calcium and magnesium,

Chaparral: contains powerful antioxidant enzyme SOD, blood purifier, dries up mucous in lungs and intestines, tea used in treatment of skin diseases, bruises, herpes, and eczema, very strong, choose something else unless fighting cancer

Chasteberry (Vitex): Stimulates pituitary gland especially in relation to female hormones, helps PMS, irregular or painful periods, heavy bleeding, fibroids, menopausal problems, stimulates milk production, calm and relaxing,

Comfrey: Used for healing of wounds and broken bones, stimulates new cell growth, stops hemorrhaging, and soothes coughs

Dandelion Root: Removes obstructions from liver, spleen pancreas, gall bladder, bladder and kidneys, diuretic, high in vitamin A, increases flow of bile, helps hypoglycemia and diabetes,

Echinacea: Protects against virus, combats strep and staph, acts as blood purifier which aids in treatment of chemical poisons, fungal infections, ulcers and clearing the lymph glands

Elderberry (flower): Use in acute afflictions such as colds, flu, hay fever, detoxes body at cellular level, promotes sweating, acts as sedative, pain reliever, and expectorant, cleanses body of toxic wastes, anti-inflammatory,

Elecampane: Aids coughs and respiratory functions rarely used alone, great expectorant, antiseptic, natural source of insulin, cleanses liver, and strengthens heart muscle.

Fennel: Increases production of breast milk (#1 choice), soothes colic and digestion problems of baby, regulates menstrual cycle, helps cramping, increases appetite, stimulates production of digestive enzymes, increases absorption of nutrients, relaxes spasms in digestive tract, relieves gas pains, relieves heartburn and constipation, excellent diuretic, useful for kidney and bladder infections, kidney stones and gout

Fenugreek: Helps estrogen related imbalances, menopause, increases milk supply, lowers cholesterol levels, lowers risk of heart attacks, type 2 diabetes, gastrointestinal inflammation, heartburn, acid reflux, remedy for skin inflammation, contains, protein, vitamin C, niacin, potassium, diosgenin (similar to estrogen), alkaloids, lysine, L-tryptophan,

Garlic: Nature’s most effective antibiotic, sore throats, colds, and flu, lowers cholesterol levels, prevents blood clots, strengthens veins and arteries, reduces blood pressure, protected against bacterial and fungal infections, prevents cancer, decongestant, improves digestion, increases production of insulin, powerful antioxidant,

Gingko Biloba: Helps electrical transmission of nerves, and supplies oxygen and nutrition to brain cells, protect against free radical damage, aid enzyme regulation,

Goldenseal: Antibacterial (strong antibiotic), increases blood supply to spleen, enhances immune function, contra-indicated for those with pancreatic problems,

Korean Ginseng (Panax or Chinese): Restores yang qualities and balances female Yin, helps estrogen levels that are too high, slows onset of physical and mental fatigue, aid mental alertness, treatment of diabetes, reproductive tonic, immune stimulant, strengthens liver function and cardiovascular system, protects cells against radiation, rebuilds damaged cells after radiation, anti-cancer properties,

Hawthorne: Lowers blood pressure, reduces angina attacks, and serum cholesterol levels, increases ability of heart to function in low oxygen conditions, improves circulation to organs, improves fatigue and endurance, relieves difficult breathing, lowers triglyceride levels, and calms central nervous system,

Horehound:Used to treat bronchitis, asthma, decreasing congestion and reducing mucus, chest coughs and colds, as well as whooping cough. For the digestive system it is used for support in liver and gall disorders, indigestion, dyspepsia, as well as flatulence.

Horseradish Root: Supports sinuses and lungs, detoxifies liver, anti-parasitic

Horsetail: High in silica, helps nails and hair, helps prevent formation of gall stones and kidney stones, diuretic, increases acidity in urine killing bacteria, curtails excessive menstrual bleeding or bleeding from passage of kidney stones.

Hyssop: Lungs, expectorant (mucous), asthma, HIV

Lavender: Relaxing, reduces hay fever and allergies, helps sunburns and insect bites

Licorice Root: Expectorant, heals and soothes inflamed tissues, source of estrogen, contra-indicated for heart conditions

Lobelia: Strongest relaxant and sedative herb known, removes obstructions and congestion, carrier for other herbs, antispasmodic, earaches, cramps, asthma, good in blends,

Marshmallow: Soothes inflamed tissues of urinary tract, diuretic, helps gout, soothes sore throats, aids indigestion, reduces inflammation, and lessens muscular pain,

Melissa (Lemon Balm): Helps sore throats, ear aches, high in minerals,

Mullein: Anti-inflammatory and soothing, protects urinary tissues, affinity for respiratory organs, calms and quiets inflamed and irritated nerves, is both an astringent and soothing,

Myrrh: Protects liver from chemical toxins, antiseptic, aids balance of acid and alkaline in the blood, repairs mucous membranes, strengthens digestive system

Nettles: Leaves used internally for anemia, hemorrhage (especially of the uterus), heavy menstrual bleeding, hemorrhoids, arthritis, gout, rheumatism, allergies and skin complaints – especially for eczema. Roots are used for allergies and to reduce prostate enlargement

Oregano: Antiviral, anti-parasitic, insect repellant, menstrual irregularities

Oregon Grape: Broad spectrum of antibiotic activity, prevents adherence of strep and staph bacteria to host cells, helps liver disorders, depressed white blood cell counts, boosts sluggish glandular system

Parsley: Loaded with vitamins and minerals, good for bad breath

Peppermint: Digestive aid, common cold, gall bladder issues

Red Clover: Improves immune function, cleanses blood, rebuilds cartilage in damaged knees or backs,

Red Raspberry Leaf: Gently contracts and tones reproductive system, helps diarrhea, constipation, stomach and intestinal upset, hemorrhoids, stabilizes pancreas, sore mouths, sore throats, and spongy gums,

Rhodioloa: Boosts energy, helps mental fatigue, balances stress response system, Adaptogen that strengthens the body’s response to physical, mental, and emotional stressors. Use for infertility, lack of ovulation, irregular menses, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, mild depression, exercise recovery, menopause.

 Rosemary: Anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, can induce labor

Saw Palmetto: Prostate and accompanying urinary disorders,

Schisandra Berry: Cleans up xeno estrogens, adaptogenic, decreases fatigue, enhances physical performance, promotes endurance, reduces levels of stress hormones in the blood, improves concentration, protects liver and helps hepatitis

Shepherd’s Purse:  Aids water retention due to kidney problems, helps any internal bleeding problem

Skullcap: Insomnia, hysteria, nervous headache, convulsions,

Slipper Elm: Neutralizes stomach acid, aids digestion, aids digestion of dairy proteins, soothes mucous membranes in stomach, intestinal tract, urinary tract, gall bladder, reproductive organs, and respiratory system, removes mucous fast and gently

St. John’s Wort: Used internally for anxiety, mild to moderate depression, nervous tension, insomnia, menopausal disturbances, premenstrual syndrome, shingles, sciatica and fibrosis.  It is also used to treat inflammation of the stomach and intestines and against internal worms.  Not to be taken by people suffering from severe depression.  It is also used in homeopathy for pain relief and to combat inflammation caused by nerve damage.

Sweet Basil: colds and influenza, poor digestion, nausea, abdominal cramps, gastro-enteritis, migraine, insomnia, when our spirits are low, anxiety, exhaustion, helps constipation, diabetes, reconnects DNA code,

Usnea: Long-standing kidney/bladder damage

Valerian: Sedative for most people, gently stimulating and very soothing to the nervous system, slows action of heart while increasing its force, aids erratic heart beats, palpitations, heart muscle weakness, has been used as a tranquilizer of sleep aid

White Willow Bark: Strongly anti-inflammatory, fever reducer, pain killer, contains salicin

Witch Hazel: Astringent, useful for lungs, stomach, nose, rectum, uterus, and kidneys, influences veins and capillaries, helping varicose veins, bruises, insect bites, wounds and external bleeding

Yarrow: Helps to rebuild the blood, amenorrhea (absence of periods), colic, crone’s disease, ulcerative colitis. When taken as a hot tea it will raise heat of body, stimulate circulation and product perspiration, opens pores and regulates function of liver, tones mucous membranes of stomach and bowels, aids, glandular system, clears catarrh from the lungs and nasal passages, contains vitamins A, C, E, F, & K, manganese, copper, potassium iodine, and iron. Regulates function of liver and glandular system, tones membranes of stomach and bowels, cleanses blood by opening pores for elimination of toxins relieving the kidneys, triggers dumping of gall stones and kidney stones, brings tissues together of cuts and wounds and seals them.

Avoid during Pregnancy

These are herbs that should be avoided during pregnancy because they have hormonal properties:

Angelica,Black and Blue Cohosh, Motherwort, Yarrow, Mugwort, Nutmeg, Pennyroyal, Rue, Dong Quai,

Use with Caution if Pregnant

Goldenseal, Horsetail, Licorice Root, Shepherd’s Purse, Mistletoe, Uva Ursi

Always consult a doctor if you have any questions or concerns!

Resources: Dave Card “daveshealth.com”, LaRee Westover “butterflyexpressions.net”